Thursday 18 October 2012

Proposing my award title!

After careful consideration I have decided my award title should reflect 'where I am going' in terms of my professional progress. However, this is something that I am finding to be somewhat of a challenge when taking into account 'where I am coming from'. Combining both past and present to form the most appropriate title is proving to be a great contradiction yet complementary in direction. I want to collaborate my knowledge as a performer, predominantly in dance, while highlighting my ability to learn about the media, specifically television, through this transition period. So far through my inquiries I have learnt about the flexibility in establishing yourself in this industry, hearing constantly 'it's not what you know, it's who you know', but wish to put an individual stamp on how I go about achieving this. I don't want to discard my training or established knowledge as a dancer, but rather embrace it to propel me forward, which may mean diverting from already secured findings by others. In saying this here are some of my proposed titles:

  1. BA Hons Professional Practice in dance, media and transitions
  2. BA Hons Profesional Practice in career transitions
  3. BA Hons Professional Practice in transitions from the arts (dance) to media (television) 
I feel that each of these titles, though 'wordy', best reflect and combine what I know, and what I am learning. I am possibly leaning more towards my 3rd title but am still searching for the most applicable wording. Any suggestions are most welcome...


  1. This is such a tough task. I'd be interested to hear what others think. Number 1 sounds interesting but 'transitions might be a bit vague. Do you think 'BA Hons Professional Practice in dance to media' might be a bit clearer? Just an idea, what do you think? It's a tough one Simone...

  2. Thanks Ahmet, I completely, agree! It's been really tough trying to encompass everything into a title in a minimal amount of words, without sounding vague. I really like your suggestion though feel its misses out the 'bit in the middle', do you think? Or do you think a direct approach is what they are after? How did you decide on your title?

  3. Hey Simone,

    For me it had to tick two boxes, my past practice (theatre arts) and my current and future practice (drama). It's such a tough thing to do, defining your practice is a hard task. This bit in the middle that you feel it misses out what single word would you give it?


  4. I think I'm concerned about the 'bit in the middle' because it is where I am now, taking the best of both worlds. Still performing, yet seeking out information regarding the media as a new destination - the grey transition area. Maybe performance covers it? I am still completely at a loss.
    BA Hons Professional Practice in dance progression to media?
    BA Hons Professional Practice dance and performance development to media?

  5. Hi Simone,
    This is a really interesting debate. I have been discussing directions and focus with Kelly Everitt via out Blogs and we are both very much in the same predicament as yourself- a "bit in the middle".

    We have so many options and aspects of our career, past, present and future it is difficult to pinpoint what should be included in outcome of our degree (Award title).

    My take on it is this: We are studying our professional practice in the now. Therefore, all the aspects of your work over this academic year are valid to your title (don't you think?)

    I would very much focus on the aspects that you are currently practising and will be practising in the short-term future - Perhaps asking yourself these or similar questions:

    Will you be experiencing / gaining knowledge within your practice in Media throughout this course?
    Within your professional practice, are you still dancing?

    Even though your inquiring may be about transitions / progressions, surely that makes up part of your academic study, not your actual professional practice?

    Do you want to be in front of or behind the camera?

    I think the last two ideas are getting closer, but do you really want a title with an "in the middle bit"?

    How about...
    BA (Hons) Professional Practice in theatre dance and media.
    BA (Hons) Professional Practice in Arts and Media Studies

    This has really got me thinking Simone...

  6. Hi Simone,
    I think its great that your focus is tv and media but I agree that to focus on the transitions from carreers it might be easy to feel limited by that. You seem to have a wealth of experience which will ultimately benefit both fields.I am struggling with the whole thing as I am still acting but I am doing the degree in order to give me a qualification so I can maybe teach or do something when Im not acting which is stimulating and in the same field as what I know.However because acting is all I have ever done then when I was reading the reader I was just thinking about issues that I had with the business. Now I am going to re read it again thinking of something new I could learn about ,I am definately in the middle", I hope I see the light soon ha ha! Anyway I think that Jo's title BA HONS IN THEATRE DANCE AND MEDIA shows me the areas of expertise you wish to explore and the transitions part can be within this. Hope this helps.

    In what way do you want to work in tv? as an actor or behind the scenes?

  7. Hi Simone, I have to say I agree with Jo and Pauline, Theatre Dance and Media seems to give you what you want and points to your future practice too...


  8. Hi Jo, thankyou so much for your amazing suggestions, it really has put things into perspective! I really value your outlook on our studies and how to establish the award title. Our 'learning' is never ending so why feel the need to state every step of the progress itself in something we are working towards to achieve, or are actually actively doing, as you said, in the 'now'? I would be keen to view yours and Kelly's discussion as I can imagine you shared some invaluable thoughts. Have you formed your final award title? What 'middle bit' did you find hard to cancel out? If you don't mind I would love to take your first suggestion through as my proposed title? Thanks so much again!

    Hi Pauline, I really am with you on this! Sometimes reading the readers I just pick apart what I feel is wrong with my industry and tend to loose a little direction. Though I know I ultimately want to work in media, particularly television, I tend to feel overwhelmed by the whole task of inquiring in the correct manner to become within some kind of reach of this new industry, particularly as I am still dancing as well. Have you started any teaching work at all, or just know that, that is the direction you would like to move in? I'd love to work in front of the camera as a television presenter, however I am fully aware of the demand for this job so would just love to learn about the whole environment that surrounds it. It is just an area that really interests me, so I feel that learning the ins and outs of behind the scenes would enable me to slot in anywhere, and then I guess the only way is up from there. Have you ever done any acting work for tv, or mainly just stage?

    Hi Ahmet, I am in agreement with all of you!! This discussion has been so helpful. How have you found this part of the module?

  9. Well award titles have been a great discussion point across the board. Mine seemed to have just fallen into place, bit boring really. But as actor an drama teacher I fancied Drama and Theatre Arts. Says what it does on the tin and no issues really. Can't believe it, no drama!!!
