Sunday 24 February 2013

Campus session 1 - Hitting the 'REFRESH' button...

From entering to leaving the first campus session of this new module, I felt like a completely different person. Paula lead the session, giving us all a heightened enthusiasm and sense of direction that we may have lost over the christmas festivities.
Firstly reminding us of the definition of a professional inquiry, we jotted down key words and discussed its personal meaning. My paper read:

  • Profession
  • Experience
  • Further expanding knowledge
  • New ideas
  • Questions
  • Learning
  • Exploration
  • Beneficial
  • Tools/Methods of inquiry
Which Paula further summarised as 'A process of preparation/scheduling/doing for the purpose of learning.'

We then continued to discuss the project as a whole and where we each individually considered ourselves to be within the process. This was particularly helpful for me as I am finding some of my initial planning's are beginning to change, due to a greater opportunity that has arisen, further opening me up to using different methods of inquiry ultimately affecting the analysis process. In review of my notes, when asked about my plan my first response is very broad, trying to capture as much information as possible, but as the session grew Paula was able to help me once again find a focus with greater relevance to my inquiry topic being 'career transitions'. I was able to identify the methods of observation and interview, while also creating sub-headings beneath each of these techniques for greater clarity in data capturing.

Paula also explained how to plan and present a solid literature review, vital in the structure and evidence throughout our written critical review. She explained that 10/20 relevant sources would make up this background research, while advising us on how to go about establishing these sources. Reflecting on this, I feel a great place to start is looking at the techniques and abilities in research itself, in essence 'how to research', and there after further comparing ideas/theories and their relativity be it positive or negative, with reference to its level of expertise.
Remembering the types of analysis we studied in module 2 was also another key aspect I was grateful to be familiarised with again. We discussed the qualitative and quantitative nature methods can provide, and provided me with a real enthusiasm to take a look back at my previous work.

All in all the session was a great 'refresh' for the system. Once again communicating face to face, building upon ideas, and sharing our trials and successes has provided fuel for thought!


  1. I too gained a sense of direction from the campus session. I realise a real importance for the campus sessions this module. complex as the work that we are doing is, it is certainly good to collaborate live as well as online. did much have to change within your inquiry after feedback?


  2. Hi Simone,
    I am sorry I missed the campus session. I had every intention but then felt poorly and decided not to. I have read up on Paulas notes though and seem to have a starting point.I have been away doing a show and it was very busy so I am a bit behind. Looking forward to blogging with you and look forward to seeing you. Did you ever get my email about that job? I just wanted to check as you know Im not the best with the whole blogging process, just checking that I did it right.

  3. Hi Ahmet,
    Yes I did find a fair few changes! My 'data capturing situation', as it were, has ultimately changed, giving me a fair greater access to information relevant to my inquiry than I imagined possible. I have therefore found that the tools best to use may change. I also need to get searching for literature, I have a few articles but think I need to gain more affirmed theories, do you have any suggestions? Where did you find your reading materials?
    Did you experience many changes to your plan during this session? How is it all going? Will you be attending the next session?

    Hi Pauline,
    Aw thats a shame, I hope to see you at the next session, are you able to come? And yes I did receive that comment, I was sure I replied but I may have just logged it in my head rather than putting pen to paper, I am sorry if that is the case! I have currently managed to secure myself working on the set of a live television show, so as you can imagine I feel suddenly swamped with all the learning I am taking on, and with this lost a little focus with my own inquiry, so I too feel a little behind with it all! How are you going with the literature review? Gathering your data?
