Wednesday 7 March 2012

KONY 2012 - apt in the society of today...

Scrolling down both Facebook and Twitter, two of the most powerful social media websites we see today, I found this video clogging up my feed. This compelling piece is completely relevant in what we are discovering ourselves throughout the duration of this course, and I found it very apt in the majority of our research and our posts so far. It is well worth a watch, and could inspire you in ways you didn't deem possible....


  1. Simone such a great watch. I too am enjoying your blog, I like that you use innovative ideas to communicate on your blog. Well done and keep up the good ideas

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ok so somehow I have deleted my comment!! I'll try again!


    I posted this video to my blog this morning and have just noticed that it caught your attention too! I found it very overwhelming and thought provoking.

    I agree that it is inspiring and does give you a sense of power, The purpose aside, the concept that we have the ability to influence to the extent that we do is amazing.

    I love reading your blog and your photos are gorgeous!

    Kelly x

  4. This video is really interesting. It is particularly apt for those in Module Two who are looking at ethics. I was listening to a discussion about this video on the BBC World Service. Many people where talking about how Kony IS famous: in Uganda. It is a video aimed at Europeans and Americans. But then why not aim it at them since the video appears to imply that, that is where there is more power to implement change. It is interesting how the Ugandan military is positioned because they have been implicated in a number of atrocities too. Then there is the clear power of art: the film moves people. There are questions here about how art fits with the internet, with arts ability to engage with human emotions and inspire people. Lastly, there is the role of the audience: by witnessing the video are you 'doing' something? Could this something a cathartic sense of involvement? could it be adding a voice because it brings something to consciousness? or is it engaging in a wider shift in how social change is achieved?


  5. Until now I hadn't heard of Kony. This was a powerful video for me showing how one person can make a huge difference.. We can see the progress and changes happening almost in real time. The power of the internet has changed our lives world wide.
    No one can hide as we are all becoming transparent by the power of videos..
    We all have the ability to become journalist and news reporters, we have the tools and the platform. The world wide web gives coverage access to videos and mobile phones today to uncover atrocities and show the truth.
    Adesola mentioned the Art side of this report. Is it art in journalism and reporting?
    I agree with Adesola about how apt this video is for my current module two on Ethics. A Universal Declaration of Human Rights; children edition was proclaimed 60 years ago by United Nations General Assembly. The first line I read stated 'We are all born free'
    Thank you for sharing Simone.
    Best wishes

  6. Hi everyone, I completely agree with all the comments that have been made. There has been so much 'hype' about this video, which just goes to show the power we have as users within this web 2.0 world to spread information and documentation like wild fire. I truly found this video capture me also, it message important with a very interesting way of presenting it. I'm glad some of you have found this useful.
