Monday, 8 April 2013

What a whirlwind of experience...

The past few weeks have been extremely busy for myself, though this is no excuse for my absence from the blogging world, I thought I would share an update of my progress to make up for it.
From the beginning of the year my inquiry has absorbed so many more discoveries and opportunities than I had ever of thought possible. Though this has been extremely fascinating and beneficial I have found at times my mind straying from the focus of my inquiry that I initially proposed in module 2. I found myself in this situation once more over the past weeks, not only setting me back on my final write up but also sending me into a bit of a melt down while I try and log back into the true focus of the written side to this course.
I recently posted about the prospects of a showreel not only for the use and exposure in commencing a career in presenting, but as an idea for my artefact. Following this, through the art of networking, I found myself sending emails back and forth to a producer for CBBC who was providing me advice in all those question I had originally asked about this very alien side of television. The knowledge he has provided me with is invaluable, giving me the confidence in understanding what goes on behind the scenes and what is expected within the showreel, often dependant on the audience you are presenting to.
Despite this newly established information I am struggling to incorporate this within my findings. As I am learning something new from a different person at a more frequent rate than I had ever dreamed, I am finding myself feeling and sounding overwhelmed within my write up. My challenge is combining my knowledge as a runner, of which I have learnt through my experiences on Soccer AM, together with the vast personal experiences I have gathered from others through the inquiry tool of interviewing, and now the advice from yet another angle within the industry, whilst also linking back to the similarities in my affirmed skills as a dancer - you can imagine how many re-drafts I have started over! Trying not to get too carried away or involved within the media side of my investigation is hard as this is where my journey is propelling me. For purpose of this inquiry as well as self evaluation and reflection, I must remember where I have come from and why and how my investigation started, to truly detail the extent of my findings while highlighting the practicality and usefulness of this course in establishing my professional practice...


  1. Hi Simone

    I'm interested, what is the actual title of your inquiry? I'm having a similar experience to you, in that I'm getting a bit carried away and feel I am going off on a tangent sometimes - straying from my original question.

    I think it's perfectly valid to make some changes to your inquiry during the process, as long as you justify and explain these. I think I am right in saying that the actual inquiry title only need be a working title so I believe there is a bit of scope for change.

    But secondly...I would say that you are probably right in recognising that you need to remind yourself of the original aim of your research. It's great that you are making new discoveries at such a fast rate. This project is just the beginning - use this inquiry as a starting point. Even if it's not within the structure of an academic course, you can still continue your own work-based inquiries! I've found that being able to say 'it's for my course' has given me the confidence to approach people that I may not have otherwise, but we shouldn't be afraid to continue!

    An example for me has been setting up a meeting with a journalist who writes non-fiction books about a massive range of subjects - he is a true 'polymath' (which is my inquiry subject) but not an actor, so he doesn't really fit in with my inquiry. Still....I've developed such an interest in polymathy and job fulfillment in a wider sense, I can't wait to take it even further after the BAPP course.

    I think it's even mentioned in the reader that we should be identifying areas for further research or development, so it's great that you're having all these new ideas!

    Look forward to talking more.

  2. Hi Stephanie,

    My inquiry title is to do with the similarities and difference between the the world of dance and television, and ultimately how to break the industry. I still don't exactly know how to best word it, but the focus is there. What is your exact title?
    It has been a really insightful process in actually completing my write up! I still have many drafts to go, but it has been quite interesting to evaluate and appreciate the whole process. How are you finding the write up? Have you progressed onto your artefact?
