Thursday 8 November 2012

My 'Ethical' Inquiry...

'I wish to inquire about career transitions, specifically the movement from the discipline of dance to working within media and the world of television. I want to explore the similarities between these two industries to allow me to accentuate my already secured knowledge, as well as discovering the differences to expand my understanding. I am hoping a collaboration of my research within this inquiry will help me answer the ultimate question - how do you break into the industry?'

To execute this ethically I must particularly take into consideration the principle of confidentiality, respecting information sources and the right to remain anonymous. I am looking at speaking to people in both differing industries, combining the knowledge of students to well established professionals. As I will also be looking at secured studies relating to this topic, I must also keep in mind the act of plagiarism, as to learn from the documentation but to not extract beyond means. In addition to this I need to keep the interview process of a light hearted nature, I do not want my sources to feel as if they are under interrogation. A balance must be met in order for me to achieve the formal information I require at a relaxed informal level.

I would be most grateful for feedback on my inquiry so far. Along the right lines? Have I over looked any ethics? Lets hear from you SIG...


  1. Hi Simone,

    A great topic and one which could give you the breakthrough and more immportantly the contacts that you need in order to break through. For me in this game its all about how you work with people. How you communicate and how you come across. You are as good as your last job but also the last job may get you the next. I think its the same with this inquiry. You said on Linkeln discussion that you believe networking is important if not vital. I agree and I would say its the same in Media. You can interview lots of people about the world of media and indeed if I can help in any way I would be delighted.If you want to speak to someone in a specific area I may have a mate who works in it and you could interview. Maybe I wont but ask me if there is a specific field in media that you want to inquire on and we can put our heads together. With regards to Equity, yes I am a member, its actually really important to me as they have supported me in doing this degree. They have awards money that is open to members as well as other help , insurance , pensions etc. British Equity I think are actually very helpful and it is really important I believe on shows to appoint an Equity dep on each one to represent the actors should any problems arise. Its just protocall reaally but its important.

    Anyway I think you are on the right lines and I like the idea of light hearted interviews ,bright and breezy, Couldnt agree more!
    Hope this helps,

    I wonder what the ethics are in media? Have you decided what area in Media you will be exploring?

  2. Hi Pauline, yes it has taken me time, but I think I have found a more focus direction for my inquiry. The area I want to look into is television, inclusive of what goes on infront of and behind the camera. I think having an understanding of all I can find to learn about will start to stand me in good stead. I still stand by what I said about the importance of networking, I have just begun emailing a variety of people each leading me to another in a progressive direction. Obviously at points knowledge and qualifications come into play, but I think that if you are passionate enough to pursue something than you will be keen to learn and already establish what you need to. Thankyou so much Pauline, yes if you do know anyone working specifically within television, be acting within a series, working behind the scenes, or even PR for a television station, I would love to ask them a few questions. I think that would be great if we could have a chat also, I feel you have done a lot in contrasting areas!
    How are you getting on with your inquiry? Have you noticed any differences in the way you viewed your ethics, and discovering what ethics are?

  3. Hi Simone,

    I am very interested in you inquiry. I tried to make this very transition at a certain point in my performing career. It was while I was deciding my next step. I found it difficult and the media industry appeared hard to break into. It was about doing a lot for free...

    Great area for research. How is it all going?


  4. Thanks Ahmet, I would love to hear your perspective on this? You must have a very informed opinion on both do's and dont's! It is a very interesting yet tough topic, everything seems so vague at the moment. But I am determined to keep going, I guess the more you network the more information you can start to drag out of someone...

  5. From what I remember I had to keep my performing under wraps, I was advised that Media people don't like you to network your way into a presenting job. Even though that's the only way in... Namely Dermot O'Leary, but it's frowned upon in that industry. Great conversation starter, we need to have that skype session...


  6. Hi Simone,

    How are you getting on with piloting for your inquiry?
    It would be great to get your viewpoint in terms of my inquiry, as I know when we were at the last session you were keen to gain experience within a media company. I'm completing my inquiry within 'interning as a platform to further your career' i'd love to hear you viewpoints on this, would it be possible to send something through to you once I have my pilot interview up and running so to speak? Do you have an email address I could send it through to at all?

    I might have a contact that I will happily send your details across to if you so wish (we can discuss further in email), obviously I cant promise anything, but if she can at least lead you in the right direction this might help? My email add is

    From experience, I would say keep those emails a'flowin' keep emailing the HR departments of media and TV companies, and if you can offer your services on a part-time basis I think the experience would be invaluable for you.
    I know it seems like a slog, but I have been there and the experience although at the time can get you down due to the 'unpaid' situation - in the long run is normally totally worth it - even if it is just to write on your CV and for a reference!

    Also a tip to note, the best internships if unpaid, should always cover your cost of travel!

    Also, Im not sure if this will help at all, but I actually found a couple of my internships through the LCF website - Im not sure if they are visible anymore to the public as this was a couple of years ago now, but if they are still they cover fashion, media, pr, marketing, buying and styling jobs to name a few - might be worth a look!

    Good luck!!

  7. Hi Hannah, yes the piloting is not too bad. Though I am finding some of the methods unsuitable in the form of information and data I wish to gather about my inquiry. Of course, I am really interested in your inquiry as though yours is based in the direction of retail, the 'platform' stage is definitely where I am at. My email address is, I would love to complete any question as part of your inquiry and pilot!
    Thanks Hannah, this would definitely be very helpful, even a nudge in the right direction sometimes just puts the plan in motion, would I need to email any details across to you?
    Thankyou so much for your help and advice, it is very much a learning curve!
