Thursday 20 December 2012

Proposing, Planning, Presenting...

On initial reading of the task in hand I was truly overwhelmed at what it was to entail - not to mention the 3000 word requirement. I have found that rather than looking at it in it's entirety, breaking it down into relevant sections has helped me tackle it in bite size pieces. Paula's post 'Draft advice on Module 2' has been of particular help in the detail she added to the differing headings incorporated throughout the writing. This plan advice has really made me think about 'me', and what findings, analysis and elaboration I need to include. I am still yet to complete, re-read, edit, re-read, edit....the process is never ending! Yet feel much more secure in the knowledge and direction I am focusing my proposal. 
I'm sure, much like myself, trying to juggle this assignment along with blogging, christmas and the extensive work involved throughout this busy period, is proving to require some meticulous time management - a skill I am trying hard to master! But I would be keen to hear how you are all getting on? Any advice on the project? Queries? Or just a general chat.... 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simone,

    Would you believe I am still finishing it all off right down to the wire. I see you are well ahead of schedule, Well done! I will be up late tonight. I think I found this extremely cahllenging but I do feel like I have gained focus like you said.I just worry that my inquiry is weel rounded enough. All the very best to you for yours and I hope to see you soon. Happy new year. Pauline
